Log In

To log in to the User Portal, enter your username and password.  A Multi-Factor Authentication call will be placed, a text message will be sent to your phone number, a notification will be sent to the Multi-Factor Authentication mobile app, or you will be prompted for authentication code.  If you complete the authentication successfully, you will be taken to the main page.


If your account setup is incomplete, you will be directed to the User Setup page.


If this is your first time logging in to the User Portal, you may be prompted to create your security questions.


If the Multi-Factor Authentication is denied, you may be prompted to answer your security questions to complete your log in.


To log in:

  1. Enter your username and password.

  2. Click the Log In button.





The username you normally use to log into your Multi-Factor Authentication protected application.  Often this is your Windows username.



The password you normally use to log into your Multi-Factor Authentication protected application.  Often this is your Windows password.



Multi-Factor Authentication™ User Portal

Last modified:  16-Jul-2013